Sunday, February 20, 2011

Disco and Jesus

This kid of mine just keeps feeding me sitcom material.  And when he does, it's at rocket speed, nonstop, one right after the other.  I need to keep a recording device close at hand because you just can't make this stuff up...

It's the end of the swimming party, and my six year old son is sitting on the potty.  The following conversation is verbatim taking place in less than four minutes.

"Hey mama!  That was a disco toot.  Did you hear it?  It was like..."
 He starts doing some disco dancing while seated on the toilet. 
"Again, mama, did you hear it?  Another disco toot!  My doopa feels like dancin'!"

Then, realizing that without his swimsuit, he's sitting here in the buff. 
"Hey, I'm totally naked here.  That's embarrassing.  I should be on America's Funniest Videos." 
I reply, "No, actually, that wouldn't be appropriate."
"Why not mom?  They could pixelate my privates.  And still, mom.  Jesus was naked his whole life."
"Yeah, um, well, actually Carter, Jesus was not naked his whole life.  He wore clothes." 

Seriously God.  Thank you for the humor that lives in the words and thoughts of my little one.

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